I don’t happen to agree with this approach because I feel the best way to test and strengthen players is in the heat of competition. Several years ago I read Andy Barney’s “Training Soccer Legends" in which he explains the philosophy and training methods of the Kansas City Legends Club (which he founded). Barney (USSF “A” license) outlines a number of things he does in training that differs from the traditional approach to coaching (no bibs, players have to take on defenders on every possession, only 1v1 and 2v2 play at the younger ages) but he also does not dole out playing time just to his better players. Chapter 48 of his book is titled “Equal Time = High Self-Concept = Maximum Potential.” He gives all players equal time. Why? Here is a lengthy quote that explains.
It takes tremendous courage to commit to an equal playing time approach in every game. Yet this is the only way to ensure that both your better and weaker players learn the right lessons for life from their youth soccer career. The weaker players learn they are valued by you and will take greater risks with the ball in the knowledge that they won’t be punished with reduced minutes. Often the weaker players on your squad, (who may have dropped out of soccer because of reduced playing time on other teams), will become your stronger players as they mature because of your fairness and support for costly creative risks while they are learning. By playing all players evenly you let everyone know that you believe in them and care only for their development, not the wins and losses for the gratification of your own ego. The stronger players, (who would get more playing time on any other team), learn the more valuable lesson that every child is part of a team and makes a solid commitment, should be given equal opportunity to learn and develop. There’s plenty of time later in life for the ‘only the strong survive’ approach. In all youth educational environments equality of educational opportunity is a child’s right. Taking away a young person’s chance to learn and grow because that player is not as effective at that development stage sends the wrong message to both the better and the weaker players. The weaker players get the message that they’re not as valuable and, because they get less than fair playing time, the negative message and reduced minutes eventually guarantee their demise. Players receiving less time cannot feel as good as those receiving more. In the meantime the stronger players learn the cynical attitude that it’s OK to cheat a teammate just as long as the team wins.
[Picking up a few paragraphs later.] I am of the opinion that all kids deserve equal playing opportunity for education. … I would encourage the readers of this book to see the unequal playing time proponents for who they are. These people are individuals who regard the win as more important than the self-concept of the bench sitter or non-starter. If we are honest with ourselves an unequal playing time policy isn’t about development of the stronger player. It is about getting the statistical win on the board at the end of the game and the coach being able to walk away and beat his chest about the win.
Barney claims that he selects the most respected parent to do the subbing and to keep track of the rotation of starters between games.
It appears his approach works. Their web site lists the accomplishments of this club, which includes 257 state, 18 regional, and 3 national ODP players, plus 24 professional players while winning 48 state championships, etc. http://www.kclegendssoccer.com/content/accomplishments.cfm
I’m not saying one way of handling playing time is “right” and another way is “wrong.” It comes down which business model the club wants to follow and which approach fits the players and parents plans. It seems that there are two basic approaches: 1. build teams with the focus on winning even if it means some players see limited or no playing time, or 2. focus on developing players which could mean the team loses games due to the weaker players. As long as the club and coach explains to their paying customers the ground rules for playing time, the parents shouldn’t complain if they find their child not playing as much as they’d like. It appears that there are enough clubs representing both philosophies that parents and player can find a fit to their liking.
Anyway, food for thought.
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